Organized by PICUM

26 May 2003  

European Parliament, Brussels

(Eastman Building)

PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, aims at promoting respect for the human rights of undocumented migrants within Europe. Many undocumented migrants residing in Europe work in the informal economy in several economic sectors. This international conference will focus on analyzing the situation and on protection issues. PICUM aims to bring together different actors in this field to exchange information and ideas about their role in protecting undocumented workers.


Please note that there will be simultaneous translation in French and English for the entire conference.

09.00 a.m                               Registration

09.30 a.m.                              Welcome and Introduction, Johan Wets, PICUM Chair 
                                              Irregular Migrants and Fundamental Rights at Work, Patrick Taran, ILO                          

10.00 a.m.- 12.30 p.m.           Undocumented migrant workers in Europe: disruptive or desired? Moderated by Anne van Lancker, member of European parliament (invited)  

* Undocumented migrant domestic workers, Bridget Anderson, Kalayaan, UK
* Undocumented migrants in the construction sector in Europe, Bernd Honsberg, IG Bau, Germany
* Undocumented agricultural workers, Nicholas Bell, European Civic Forum
* New migratory forms and consequences on the movement and local settling of undocumented migrants, Alan Tarrius, University of Toulouse, France  


12.30 p.m                               Lunch

2:00 p.m.-  5:20 p.m.              What can and should be done? The role and position of the different actors involved.  Moderated by Godelieve van Heteren, member of Dutch parliament

1.What rights for undocumented migrant workers?

* Undocumented migrants in the U.S., Ana Gallagher, US lawyer, University of Deusto, Spain
* Regularization of undocumented workers, Claire Rodier, GISTI, France (invited)
* Protection of victims of forced labor, Roger Plant, ILO 

2. The “supportive” approach as a means to respect social standards and fight illegal employment

* Strategies, goals and results of  public inspection efforts, Didier Verbeke, Labor inspector, Belgium
* Presenting undocumented workers in the labor courts, Norbert Cyrus, ZAPO, Germany
* What a union can do for undocumented workers, Ghassan Saliba, CITE-CCOO, Spain 

5:20 p.m.                       Closure



Please send in this form by fax (+32/2/274.14.48) or e-mail ( by 12 May 2003.

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0 I will pay the 18 Euro registration fee upon arrival, which includes a hot lunch at the venue
0 I will pay the 10 Euro registration fee upon arrival, which does not include hot lunch (Please note that there is no lunch facility nearby)

If you have difficulties in meeting travel expenses to attend the conference in Brussels, please contact the PICUM secretariat ( by 2 May 2003 for information on partial travel reimbursement.

PICUM/ Gaucheretstraat 164/ 1030 Brussels - Belgium/ tel: ++32 (2) 274.14.39/fax: ++32 (2) 274.14.48/